dear Entrepreneurs & Executives who want to feel fit Again:

Drop 25+ Pounds In 6 Months Or Less – Or We Work For Free. Guaranteed!

It is NOT your fault: Losing weight and keeping it off is difficult – especially while you’re running a successful business.

Instead of putting you on a diet, we'll develop a customized lifestyle change together and guide you along the way toward becoming the fittest version of yourself.

Losing weight, getting fit & having more energy just became a lot easier, more predictable, less stressful, and more fun.

Let us show you how.

Limited availability each week.

Click here to read my book The Fit Executive Blueprint for free


Some of the lives that we have changed...

Katharina G.

General Manager at Recruiting Firm


From 194lbs to 170lbs at 5'8''


Long working hours and a large friend group made it difficult for Katharina to find time for herself


It was super important to her that she didn't have to starve herself, miss out on drinking at social events, or have to go to the gym in order to reach her goal weight of 170.


We are pleased to report that no after-work drinks were missed and we still managed to help Katharina lose 1lb per week until she hit her goal weight. Cheers !

Dr. Michael J.

VP @ International Engineering Company


From 276lbs to 230lbs at 6'2''


Michael is responsible for thousands of employees worldwide, plus his 2 kids and wife in Munich.


He knows exactly how to lose weight and has done it multiple times.... but was looking for a way to keep it off for good.


We worked with him to create a nutrition plan that didn't involve starving or giving up his favorite foods, plus we created a time-efficient workout plan custom-tailored to his goals which enabled him to gain several pounds of muscle in his upper body without going to the gym.

Michael W.

Accounting Firm Owner


From 240lbs to 196lbs at 6'4''


Michael was stretched thin by his job, family and philanthropic activities. He had already noticed the first warning signs health-wise: back and knee pain, plus high blood pressure.


For Michael, it was especially important that his diet was suitable for the office and that he wouldn't have to give up dessert or a glass of wine here and there.


After just a few months with us in the program, he was finally able to move pain-free again - playing table tennis and taking hiking vacations in the mountains. Michael now weighs less than he did 20 years ago, feels younger and has more energy.

Finally... a Quick & Easy Way for You to Lose Weight, Get Fit & Double Your Energy!

Are you sick of eating like a rabbit and spending hours doing cardio? Fed up with hopping from one diet to another, only to see the pounds creep back in a matter of weeks?

And are you looking for a way to achieve your dream body faster and with less effort?

At Arne Wildner Coaching, we specialize in showing entrepreneurs and executives in their 40s, 50s, and 60s how to shed body fat and feel great in their bodies once again.

Since 2020 we’ve shown thousands of busy men and women how to easily look and feel younger without the usual years of hard work and trial and error.

We’ve done it ourselves, we've done it for our clients, and we can do the same for you, too.

No restrictive diet.
No time consuming workouts.
No yo-yo effect.
Limited availability each week.

Our Clients are Awesome.

Don't Just Take our Word For It.
See What Our Clients Say About Us.

"Compared to my previous diets, the nice thing was that I was never hungry and, most importantly, I had so much fun."
“Quick feedback: I just got home from shopping and I had to buy a size M after L was too big for me when I tried it on! I've always worn XL... I am so happy I could cry.”
"For the first time in the last 15-20 years, I have found a way to positively influence my weight and my body measurements without having to radically sacrifice."
The key element for me was that the system was so easy to implement in my everyday life.
"This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change. Above all, the results are not temporary, but sustainable. That's the whole point of it, to change your habits so much that it becomes a permanent part of your life. The biggest surprise for me was that is actually works."
"Amazing, personal support, super concept. Grace and Arne not only believe in what they do, but they also possess a deep understanding of the subject matter."
Limited availability each week.

WhaT's in it for you?

Here's What You'll Get in Your Free Coaching Call.

Together, we'll work out a custom step-by-step-plan to help you see and feel results within the first few weeks. Here's what you'll get 👉

Limited availability each week.

The #1 reason...

...why busy men & women in their 40s, 50s and 60s can’t seem to lose weight & keep it off no matter HOW hard they try!  

The proven weight loss tactics we’ve used to help thousands of clients

We’ll open the kimono and reveal the bulletproof strategies we’ve used to make weight loss as quick and easy as possible for ourselves and our beloved clients consistently since 2020.

Why you should NEVER trust...

...anyone who tells you that you just have to "eat less and move more" and what you need to do instead!

The honest TRUTH...

...about sustainable weight loss and why it can be so much easier than you ever imagined!

WARNING: You could be at serious risk of slowing down your metabolism

Are you doing hours of cardio, starving yourself or cutting out carbs? Bad idea! We’ll show you why this is a HUGE mistake and how it leaves you open to a slow metabolism and a quick weight regain after your diet.

The vital key to keeping the weight off long-term!

This all-important mindset component is crucial to keeping off the weight after you've lost it. Without it, you are screwed – make sure you have this at all costs!
Limited availability each week.

No magic pill, JUST A proven System that works

Simply Follow Our Scientific Blueprint to Success & Avoid the Usual Weight Loss Hustle.

Turning your body into a lean, healthy, fat-burning machine is much easier than you think. Most people simply don’t know the right steps to take or confuse the order of priorities - meaning they end up working much harder and longer than necessary.

We’ve done all the hard work for you: just follow our step-by-step blueprint and see results as quickly as possible.

And you won’t just save time, either: You'll also save yourself a bunch of trouble. Working with us means you still get to enjoy your favorite foods and go to bed feeling full with a big smile on your face (unlike that last diet which made you grumpy and left your stomach rumbling).


Customer Satisfaction


Of Pounds Shredded
Limited availability each week.

The Process

Simple as 1, 2, 3.


Discovery Call

You book a 15-minute phone call with a member of our team.
The two of you will go over your current situation and your goals to find out if we can help you reach them.
If we agree that it´s a good fit, we'll book you in for a free coaching call (step #2).


Coaching Call

If we're sure that we can help you, you'll get a slot for a free 90-minute Coaching Call via Zoom.
On the call, you'll sit down with Arne and get a custom step-by-step action plan.
You'll learn where you made mistakes in the past and how to achieve your dream body once and for all.



After all your questions have been answered, we'll decide if we want to work together.
If so, your investment is backed by a 300% money-back guarantee.
If we decide not to work together, we'll still stay friends! No hassle or hard feelings. We're a family business and we treat everyone like family.
Limited availability each week.

You have questions. We have answers.

If your question isn't answered here, reach out to the team and we'd be happy to help.
Can I get further information upfront?

Yes. In order to learn more about our coaching program you have the opportunity to ask all of your questions in the Discovery Call: We are happy to give you honest answers. The decision is up to you whether you want to move forward with a free Coaching Call or not.

Do I have to follow a strict diet?

Nope. We don't work with one-size-fits-all solutions or pre-made nutrition plans like you might have experienced on other weight loss programs. You will get a custom made, flexible solution that fits your lifestyle and your preferences.

How do I know that it'll be successful?

We live from our client success and we also give a crazy success guarantee – so we select our clients very carefully. We will carefully assess your situation in your free 90-minute Coaching Call. We are big fans of transparency, so if we're not 100% confident that we are the right fit for each other, we'll let you know. Honesty is the best policy.

I am a menopausal woman and nothing seems to work anymore. Can you help me?

We know that losing weight doesn't get easier as we age – but if you send your body the right signals, it is absolutely still possible and probably much easier than you thought. Over the years, we've successfully worked with many ladies in your situation. We know what works and what doesn't. Let's talk.

How do I know that my results will be long-term this time?

In our coaching, we work with three different weight loss factors: nutrition, activity, and mindset. Most other weight loss programs only address one or two. In order to keep the weight off in the long run, you will need all three. It is important to understand that we'll develop a new lifestyle with and for you that is tailored to your individual needs and preferences. That way, you will WANT to keep doing it because it feels easy. Our focus is making the weight-loss process as enjoyable as possible, and when you enjoy what you are doing: Why would you ever go back? Exactly.

How long is the program?

This depends on your specific situation and your goals: We have helped clients to sustainably lose anywhere between 10 and 200 pounds, so we provide different options for individual needs. After losing the fat, many clients also decide to stick with us for a muscle building or toning phase. In most cases, we actively work together somewhere between 4 and 24 months.

How much does it cost to work with you?

We get it: Health is the new wealth and you are willing to invest – but you're wondering how much. Since the investment depends on multiple factors like the duration and the intensity of our collaboration, we cannot give you a fixed number at this point. Since this is not a simple online course, but a personal, high-level mentorship program, the prices are comparable to those of an excellent personal trainer. As soon as we understand your situation, your challenges, and your goals, we can give you a transparent overview of your payment options. BTW: Most entrepreneurs and executives choose to write our coaching off as a business expense since it massively increases performance at work. Just so you know.

I am super busy with my business and I also have a family to take care of. Will I be able to pull through?

We know exactly how you feel. Most members of our coaching team also have families (or fur babies), or growing businesses, or both. We understand your concern. The truth is: High achievers like yourself love to stay busy, and the "perfect moment" to start will probably never come. Many of our clients even found it helpful to start during a busy time, because it taught them to focus on the essentials and follow our simple instructions. Our specialty is finding time-efficient, flexible and easy-to-execute solutions that you can stick with - even in hard times. Once you've learned how to sail in rough waters, you will be absolutely bulletproof and the process will become even easier when things calm down a bit. And think of it this way: If you don’t make time for wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for illness. Prevention is always better than trying to find a cure.

Will I have to exercise?

Nope, exercise is not necessary to lose weight and become healthy. We'll discuss and plan your activity just like your nutrition individually and according to your preferences and possibilities.

How does the guarantee work?

Simple. If within only the first 30 days of implementing our system and tracking your progress, you don’t think you'll see a THREE TIMES RETURN ON INVESTMENT, you can excuse yourself from the program, and we will reimburse you 100% with no questions asked. This ensures you have zero to lose and a healthy future to gain. Why would we offer such an insane guarantee?
Because we know our system works… if you do!

PS: We also guarantee results. Let's talk.

Limited availability each week.

Get to know Your mentor

Who is Arne Wildner?

Arne fits all German stereotypes: Direct, precise, efficient, and result oriented.

But no master ever fell from the sky. Neither did he. He used to weigh over 220 lbs, ate an unhealthy diet and felt completely unfit.

After failing to stick to countless diets and nutrition methods and making every mistake under the sun, he developed a method that helped him lose over 50 lbs of body fat in less than one year.

He used to be the national sales director of five German breweries with long workdays, endless business trips, and delicious, beer-fueled business lunches – so he knows how to lose weight and keep it off under the most severe conditions.

Since 2020, Arne has helped hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs lose thousands of pounds - without sacrificing their favorite foods or wasting precious hours on a treadmill.

Arne's favorite part of his job is when he calls an old client to catch up, and they tell him that they're STILL at their goal weight, years after working together.

His mission in life is to inspire and enable others to take action on their health and fitness, so that they can unfold their full potential and make the world a happier place.

He loves his beautiful wife Grace, his hilarious dog Elvis, lovingly brewed beer, Mexican cuisine, and a good piece of cheesecake (or two).
Limited availability each week.

YES! I am Personally Guaranteeing Your Success.


If after the first 30 days of implementing our system and tracking your progress, you don’t think you'll see a THREE TIMES RETURN ON INVESTMENT, you can excuse yourself from the program, and we will reimburse you 100% with no questions asked. This ensures you have zero to lose and a healthy future to gain. Why would we offer such an insane guarantee?

Because we know our system works… if you do!
Review full details here.

PS: We also offer a "Get results, or we keep working for free" Guarantee – everyone who starts working with us gets the result that they pay for. Sounds fair, right?


Customer Satisfaction


Of Pounds Shredded
Limited availability each week.